Thursday, June 19, 2008


So I have been using cloth diapers on Avery all week and...


I should have switched a long dang time ago! Holy cow they are so easy especially compared to disposable and I don't throw them away everyday. I do one extra load of laundry every other day and that's basically it. Even Keith is liking them. Plus Avery looks so darn cute in them.

At first I was very overwhelmed with all the choices, styles, sizes, and care. But I found a wonderful message board and a few people that has used them so I have gotten help and opinions from them.

They seem like they can be expensive at first, but if you do your research its actually cheaper than disposable and plus its MUCH better for the environment.

I was lucky enough to find a local mom selling some of her pocket diapers and some aio(all in one). I got 7 of the fuzzi bunz and 3 motherease aio. I figured if i didn't like them I can just resell them. Well I'm keeping them, plus I got all 10 for $70! Not bad when they retail for $20 a piece.

I also got a trial pack from this allowed me to try out each of the different kind of diapers(prefold, pocket, aio, covers, fitted). It arrived on monday and I have been using them all week. Trying to decide what I like. The great thing about this package is that I can send them all back and get a refund(minus $10 and shipping). So all in all, Im not loosing a ton of money.

I think I am pretty set on the pockets and the aio are nice too...until today. I decided to look up how to fold a prefold...OH MY GOODNESS! They were so easy to fact I had already folded it without even knowing it. I try one on Avery today and he was so cute in his fluffy bum. yes they were bulky but they are so much cheaper and then I can get cute covers to go on them.

I am still pretty much up in the air about what I want to finish my supply with. Someday Avery will have a brother or sister so I can't wait to cloth diaper with he or she then. Its so much fun....who knew I would say that!

My mom and sister thinks I'm crazy, but I'm really not. It really is easy and its not the diapers they once were. Just as simple and NO they don't smell.
Here is a picture of avery with his fluffy bum!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Gracie is really liking hers too... I find that she actually likes putting a diaper on now rather than fussing about it and squirming away like she used to.