Thursday, May 29, 2008

18 month dr.'s appointment

I took Avery to his 18 month dr's appointment today. Overall it went fairly are the highlights.

-he screamed bloody murder when we were trying to see how tall he was. they have him lie down on the table to measure...and he is approx. 31.75 inches.

-he screamed again when the dr. came in and started to exam him.he's never done that before...but dr. said it was normal.

-he now weighs 22.9-22.10 lbs. had to be weighed twice. dr. wasnt to happy that he hasn't gained weight so we go back in 3 months for a weight check. if he doesn't gain, then he will go for testing then. hopefully its just the case of him being active and having daddy's metabolism!

-it took 2 nurses and myself to hold him down for his 2 shots. yeah that was fun! at least now he is done with shots until he goes to school.

-the dr said he is healthy, sounds like he eats, and sleeps well(for the most part he does) doesn't look like he is failing to thrive.

Now I'm not supposed to worry that there is nothing wrong with him for the next 3 months...yeah that is easier said than done!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to Keith

Yesterday my husband turned 30. Yeah hes old...ok so he is older than me and he always will be. But he is also the one that gets carded(when I don't) or when we both get carded and they say things like "he doesn't look like he is older than you!" good thing for him...bad for me. Someday it might catch up to him, but he should enjoy his youth while he has it!

We had a party for him over the weekend. Mostly family and church "groupies". A few friends were able to stop by. It wasn't what I wanted, but it worked out.

For his bday all he wanted was the scooba. Its robot mop. We already have the roomba and he is in love with it b/c he doesn't have to vac anymore. Avery is enthralled with it! So we went last night and used his bday money, some giftcards I had, and then paid the rest out of pocket. Mopping is one thing that doesn't get done much around here although it should. I hate it and dh never seems to have time for it. He has 2 things to do in the house, clean the floors and help with laundry. At least the floors get done now on a reg. basis.

So after my giftcard didn't want to work, I had to pay for it. Hopefully I can get the money back on that giftcard as it was brand new and should have worked. Well, we "mopped" the floor down stairs last night and Keith couldn't believe the color of the water...yuck! this is what happens when you mop the floor with a dirty mop and water. now it is running in the hallway and we did avery's room earlier. so far we are very impressed. we have all hard floors in the house so it works out very well. Who knew life could be so easy with a robot doing the work for you...

Memorial Day Weekend

was a busy one as most weekends have been lately. We took Avery to the park and I set up for Keith's bday party on saturday. Sunday, Keith was at church until his party at 2.

My grandparents arrived from Fl and saw my house for the first time. They also saw Avery for the 2nd time in his short life. Then off we went to Keith's party. It was pretty good. The day was gorgeous and most of us sat inside. We had cake and ice cream, opened presents, and of course Avery was the center of attention. He didn't have a nap that day so he was abit spacey, but was good as usual.

Then Keith and I were able to go out sunday night for some adult mommy/daddy time! We went out with our friends Kristen and Brian, and Shaun and Noriko. They took us out for Japanese which I was glad Noriko was with us as she is Japanese and could tell us what was good and what things were. It was also a Chinese/thai place as well. Keith tried sushi and actually liked it. I didn't try it...I tried Miso soup which was really good and I ordered tempura(basically fried chicken and veggies with panko) and Pad Thai. I like them both. The Pad Thai was spicy so I was only able to eat half of it. Keith order some kind of sushi he didn't like, but luckily shaun liked it and he ate it. It was nice going out with a group of friends without Avery. This was Shaun's bday gift to Keith. Then we went out for ice cream at Friendly's with Kristen and Brian, and then went back to their house for a bit and came home.

We got to sleep in until 7:30 the next morning before Avery finally got up. My mom, sister, and I went to the mall to get some stuff and had lunch. Another mommy free day. Then Keith had a brilliant idea to take Avery to church...we lasted 20 mins before I had to take him out.

Overall it was a good weekend, but even though it was a 3 day weekend it still went by VERY fast!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I seriously haven't been sick ALL winter. Apparently I must have a great immune system at the moment. Now I don't seem to be so head hurts, my nose is stuffy, and i have a sore throat. I'm not sure yet if its allergies or a cold. Avery has had a runny nose all week too...but you know how kids can be, plus I think he is teething. To top it off, I slept like poo last night woke up at 2 and didn't go back to sleep until 4:30...I may be dragging bum later. I can already feel it.

We are off to Keith's 30th bday party soon. In hopes I can get the cake in time! I couldn't figure out how to carry a cake and an 18 month old at the same time. Plus the bakery is on a VERY busy main road. Hopefully my mom comes in time.

Another positve to the day besides seeing friends and getting out of the house is that my brother in law called last night. He and his girlfriend are bringing us out to dinner for Japanese tonight. Along with Kristen and Brian. I was also able to get my mom to babysit so we can go out with out avery. Not that I don't love my son, but after the week I've had this might be just what I need. Plus, Noriko is Japanese, so she can tell us what things are and what's good. It should be a good experience I hope...and if its not well I'm not paying for it! I'm very excited and Keith thinks I'm too excited! but what does he know....

off to find some cold medicine or something....

Friday, May 23, 2008

getting better

you will be glad to know that I feel much better today than yesterday. At least the sun is out shining, Keith and I talked, and so I'm not feeling as horrible as I was.

The boys are still constantly fighting which is starting to wear on my patience. i'm not sure how else to stop it. I've tried separating them, but that lasts for 10 secs. Or we scream b/c we can't torture Avery. It is mostly J aggrevating Avery. Sometimes its Avery too, but mostly J. SOmetimes I just let it go, but I can't always watch either one of them get hurt. Usually its J, grabbing onto Avery's shirt, hair, or toy. Avery has learned how to say "stop it" but of course it doesn't help. J just laughs thinks its a riot and it so isn't...I may have to talk to his mom again, but last all I got was a "well avery will need to toughen up!" i don't want avery to be a wimp, but I also don't want him to resort to violence! ugh... at least its a long week so my poor avery will get a break!

Avery was up until 11:30 last night. He wasn't NOT having being put to bed. It didn't help that Keith wasn't home until 9 either. I finally figured it was Avery's teeth b/c he's been chewing, drooling, and boogie nose, along with a diaper rash and not eating much. So I gave him some motrin and laid on the couch with him. He wasn't wanting daddy of course. Finally he drifted off to sleep. He was up at 8/830 and now he is napping again. Poor little guy, hope he isn't getting sick but that is just teeth.

I on the other hand have been sneezing up a STORM!! so its either allergies or a cold...yay. OF course if it is allergies I did have the bright idea to hang clothes outside today. But at least Im saving on the electric bill!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Matters Most

its a book by Luanne Rice. GREAT GREAT GREAT book! i truly enjoyed it, once I became NOT confused anymore.

Its one of those books that in the beginning it flips back and forth between 2 stories, different characters and then I thought I had it figured out and the character changed names. But still the same person.

Its basically about a nun who before she takes her vows becomes pregant ends up giving the child up and goes on to become a nun. Meanwhile the father of the baby is madly in love with the mother for YEARS!

The baby grows up and has his own love story to tell, but not before he goes through lots of hardship.

Of course, I can't give away the ending...but it was another book I was sad to see end. I also finished it before it was due back at the library! which is a great accomplishment for me lately!

so it seems...

that once you are down there is no getting back up and people just constantly just kick you right back down.

It doesn't seem to matter what I do lately but can NOT get out of this funk. one thing happens, then another, and another, and another!!

I constantly clean my house and yet it still is dirty/cluttered(i guess that happens when you have an 18 month old, a husband, and a dog) but come on can't a girl catch a break? Apparently not...

I stay home EVERYDAY and when I do go out its to the grocery store nothing ever fun. The price of groceries and the cost of living might just be breaking us and I can't help but wonder what will come next...

I have no one to watch my son other than my husband. I can't always get him to take time off work so I can go to the dr or dentist when needed. Most times I just take Avery with me, but I can't take him to the dentist when I'm getting a filling(which is tons of fun in itself!) I had to reschedule the filling b/c people can't be bothered to take time to spend time with a certain somebody. Its not like I am always pawning off my child to someone. He is with me every minute of everyday(mostly). My husband and I can't go out without him for this very reason.

I plan a party and now that is blowing up in my face and all i was trying to do was do something nice for my deserving husband. Now he can't have a very important person in his life come....b/c its a "hassle". ALthough, I'm thinking I'm going to go get her anyway and if they want to be mad let them be...

I am just so tired of fighting and trying to meet everyone's expectations. I shouldn't have to live for anyone else but myself and my son. I shouldn't have to have such high standards and then have them come crashing down! Afterall i am a human being and NO one can be perfect all the time. I question my ability of being a good mom all the time and when people question it or comment on it, boy does that make me feel even shittier. I for once would like to hear I'm doing a great job instead of "oh he hits...or fresh isn't he" no he's not fresh he's a little boy who is exploring the world around you. who is going to test you every second of his life....

I try so hard to keep everyone held together and happy, well what about me? why don't deserve to be happy and not constantly have my life fulfilled with others expectations!

I sometimes wonder if I was cut out to be in this life I am living now...maybe I need a professional! Because I just feel very crappy right now!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a few of my favorite things!

I need a happier post so here it is!!

A few of my favorite things...(in on particular order)
- a little boy named Avery
- cuddling with my husband
-the smell of cut grass
-hearing the birds chirp in the morning
-waking up to the sun shining
-the smell of rain from an overnight shower
-ice cream
-spending time with my girls
-spending time with family
-seeing little babies
-baking anything
-watching Grey's Anatomy
-the FoodNetwork and Rachael Ray
-reading a good book
-cuddling with Avery
-sloppy kisses from Avery
-the smell of Keith's soap, deoderant, or cologne
-Avery's dimples, smile, and laugh
-watching a little boy grow and develop right before my eyes
-Carrabara's Italian Grill(if i can afford it)
-watching a movie and cuddling on the couch
-watching a GOOD movie and cuddling on the couch
-my family(even though they may drive me nuts sometimes)
-feeling/being girly
-buying new clothes that don't have boogers on them
-coffee with white choc. macadamia nut creamer
-trying new foods/recipes
-nap time

i think that's all i have for now! of course I'm sure there are PLENTY more of my favorites...but this is off the top of my head!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm having one of those days where I feel very lonely and could cry at the drop of a hat. Most of you know why I might be "emotional" lately, but now other things are factoring in.

I haven't seen my friends since the end of April and it feels like it has been FOREVER. I haven't talked to them much either and I'm beginning to feel VERY lonely. I feel like I am the only one in the world today as I hear both boys blabbering b/c they are up from their naps.

I'm having a party for my husband's 30th bday. Its a big one after all and I think he deserves to have a party so I can show my appreciation for him and others can too. I had 60+ people on the guess list, I rented a place to have it, and now I have maybe 20 people coming, not counting the people who haven't rsvped. Apparently in this world we don't know what rsvp means...i know its a holiday weekend, but its also the weekend of his bday so when was I supposed to have it. I just feel bad that no one can seem to take the time to spend with each other.(this is in NO way to make the people feel bad reading this that won't be able to come. Amy does have a legit reason.) Its just so frustrating b/c I plan things and then no one comes. I feel like no one likes me or my family and they all say "screw you" when in reality my husband or I would bend over backwards for many people we know. ok we would for all of you.

I haven't been out of my house it feels like in ages. I do get out a bit on the weekends, but I don't go very far or see anyone either. Everyone is so busy and gas prices are outrageous! I still just can't seem to shake the feeling that I am the only one in this world and no one can be bothered with me. Maybe I'm hormonal.

I also bounced my check book last weekend. Yeah this has been fun to try to deal with. Luckily we had money to help it, but I can't help to think we may be in trouble soon with the way the economy seems to be going. Not much I can do about it really, maybe get a part time job or a full time second shift job, but then I mind as well kiss my time with my family goodbye.

I also just came off a week of my husband being super busy that Avery hardly saw him and I saw him a bit more, but not much. Maybe a half hour before going to bed and the we conked right out.

It really hasn't been a fun and enjoyable day today...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

For a Strong little boy!

I really hate having to write sad posts but occassionally in life, God likes to put you to the test. Please keep this family in your prayers while this sweet little boy who has only begun to live his life is challenged by this disease. They will continue to be in my prayers.

I just received an email from a friend that her little boy has been in the hosptial since mid april. She thought he had brochitis, but he has a very rare form of pneumonia, lung disease, and has now been diagnosed with as she calls it "the boy in the bubble" disease. Its an immune disorder. Luckily there is treatment for it and that is a bone marrow transplant. They just recieved a donor from cord blood. He will start chemo on June 3 and the transplant will take place on June 12. He is only 7 months old. Please keep him in your prayers as they all have a very long journey ahead of them!

His name is Aidan.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gotta Love my husband!

last night after dinner my husband decides he is still hungry. I made a chicken shephard's pie with plenty of veggies(his He then goes on to have popcorn and a bowl of ice cream. Not a dessert bowl size but a cereal bowl size. I attributed his eating to the fact that he skipped lunch. well then last night we are watching Paula Deen's party and we both decide we want fried chicken. Its after 9..neither one of us wanted to go out in the rain. So keith goes down stairs and decides he is going to fry up the chicken nuggets we have in the freezer. Usually we just throw them in the oven or microwave.

Next thing I know the smoke dectector is going off. The way they are wired in the house they ALL go off, including the one in Avery's room. Great now he will be awake...I book it down the stairs and see Keith fanning the detector and it was smoky. He got the oil to high and burned the chicken! he then proceeded to dump the oil before it was cooled into the can...well now he knows NOT to do that! he also used olive oil and you aren't supposed to use that for frying...but at least he and the house are ok. Btw, avery didn't wake up at all through the alarm. Not sure if that's a good thing yet or not.

The chicken was really good the few pieces we did get to eat. He of course made a complete mess of the kitchen with the oil and splatters all over the stove. he did clean the stove, but i got everything else!

sometimes you gotta love 'em!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Sweetest thing...

Over the weekend we had the pleasure of being with my inlaws...well most of you know how that goes sometimes. Anyway, we had a chance to see Keith's grandmother as well. She has been in a nursing home for rehab for a couple of months now and HATES it there. Unfortunately she has to stay there and move to assisted living for now...she's not happy about this either, but she isn't strong enough to live on her own. After all she is 85 and no spring chicken...she is just stubborn even though everyone else has her best interest at heart.

Well she never thought she would make it to see Great grandchilden and she has. Avery is her one and only blood great grandchild(she has 2 that are from an adopted granddaugther). She has great joy watching and seeing Avery when we get the chance. Sometimes life doesn't allow us to see her as much as we like especially with Avery going to bed at 7:30. but we do what we can.

I could tell on Sunday she was having a tough day. She was complaining about how she didn't want to go back to the nursing home and can't wait to go "home". She loved watching Avery and the way he entertained himself while we socialized(if that's what you want to call it) at the table. He was having a blast pushing his highchair around the living room and opening and shutting the gate. who knew it could be so entertaining...

well we decided to leave at the same time she was heading back. Keith said Goodbye to her as did I. I then here her say something to Keith about me, but only really caught half of it. Apparently he did too as I asked him on our way home..she said that they(meaning his family) were very lucky to have me part of his family and that I was a wonderful person and mother to Avery. I am teaching him well as he is very well behaved!

well thank you very much great grandma! I was flattered and almost cried. Its nice to feel vindicated especially by the older generation. It also makes me feel like I am doing something right!

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 12, 2008

my weekend...

So here's my weekend...first I lost my $65 sunglasses...looked everywhere for them tearing the house, car, and everything in between apart. I FINALLY found them this morning in the stroller was I glad to see them!

Then yesterday we go out to church, lunch, and walmart. Then to the inlaws. Get this, they call us to tell us to come up early if we want too so we do. Avery didnt take a nap, but i sure did! Anyway, we get there and his dad is mowing the lawn and his mom is vacuming. gee...aren't we glad we got there early to sit and stare at each other! they drive me crazy i tell you.

Then this morning i had a feeling we over drafted our bank account. I was right except it over drafted FOUR(that's right 4) times! so we lost out on $100 overdraft fees. LUckliy the mortgage at least went through and there was no penalty on that. I called the bank and they put back $50 of the overdraft fees. I never let that happen...but keith went and got my mother's day gift, an oil change, and such that I hadn't accounted for. well won't we be watching that more closely!

Meanwhile we have this crap we have to pay for like groceries...which I won't be buying for a few weeks now or going anywhere or doing anything. Which totally blows! I went for a few things last week at the store(had 4 bags of groceries, not full) and i spent 100 bucks! I didn't even buy anything special! omg this economy is killing me!!

Happy Mother's day to me!

At least I got some nice flowers and a card out of the deal! I also didn't have to change ONE diaper all day and I got to take a nap. ahh...the life i lead!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Growing up!

Everyday I have the priveledge of watching my little boy grow up and accomplish new and amazing things! I have realized this more and more lately.

He still doesn't say many words but he will repeat them. He says: bathtub, backpack, Rascal, Mama, Dada, kissing, and sings twinkle twinkle.

He also can do the hand motions for head shoulders knees and toes, twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy spider, if your happy and you know it, and patty cake. I'm glad I'm not just singing for my health. But he is a great audience and claps and cheers when I'm done. ALthough, maybe i should clap and cheer for him for having to listen to me sing.

He has accomplished climbing up the cube slide and sliding down, he lifts himself up and through the circles in the side too. I just sat watching as he kept trying and trying and trying and he finally did it. He can also go down the other slide I have by himself. I of course still spot him as I'm afraid he will fall off onto the concrete.

His most recent accomplishment has been using a big person fork for eating dinner. I was giving him a toddler fork, but he does a lot better with an adult fork. I knew he could do it, but we don't always practice it. After all fingers work A LOT better!

I can't believe he will be 18 months soon and all that he has accomplished and endured in his short little life. I'm glad I've been with him everyday to be able to enjoy the wonders of raising a child!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I had to go to the dentist today just for a cleaning...I was kinda dreading it but at least I knew there would be no drilling involved. We also have no dental insurance so I knew the bill might be brutal. Now for a little background...I have had 2 root canals, 2 post and core, 2 crowns, and numerous(i can't even count) cavities all filled within the last 6 months. So I was hoping I wouldn't need anything today.

well i almost got my wish....i have 1 maybe 2 cavities. The 2nd was borderline so the dentist will have to look at it. Another one i have to get "touched up" b/c some of the filling didn't adhere, but they will fix that for free and I won't need novacaine for that. But the other one I will need filled...blah! But at least its only 1 and not a 2 hour "drill" job. I also have some cavities in my wisdome teeth, but those are supposed to come out someday....i am REALLY REALLY dreading those. But why get them filled when they need to be pulled anyway?

Then we went out to dinner at Chili's. Happy early mother's day for me...just wish the food was better. THe appetizers were very yummy(southwestern eggrolls, mozz sticks, and shanghai boneless wings), I got the mini burgers with ff and onion rings. THe burgers were good...I only ate 1 out of 4, the rings were BLAND, and the ff tasted funny. So I stopped eating it. I did eat dessert and that was really big so I ate WAY too much food. Avery didn't sit in the highchair, but sat next to me in the booth. He ate very well and there wasn't a huge mess left on the floor when we left(for once!). He did pull out all the sugar packets but those are easy enough to pick up. Of course he did have a stinky diaper(after i just changed him) so I let daddy change it!(haha)

well off to another day tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i was tagged...

I was tagged for this meme by Lori at Teacher turned mommy.

Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Hmmm 6 random things about me:

1. I LOVE blue cheese/gorgonzola

2. I have become more adventurous in the food I try/eat lately(curry, fish, etc)

3. I want a vbac.

4. I wish I could see my friends more often.

5. I dread flying and get motion sickness(even in the car)

6. I recently started listening to country music(about 4 years ago) I never used to like it.

I'll tag Amy of In her shoes, if and when she is up to it. Lori already did it so I can't tag her!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Good Vibrations....

Most of you know that Keith has a hearing it does aggrevate me a lot sometimes, I know there isn't much I can do about it. So I do bear with it and repeat myself(which I hate doing). He also likes to "pretend" to not hear me when he does, thinks he hears me and answers with "yeah" when it was something that required more than a even with a hearing loss he still has selective hearing.

Well when I pulled into the driveway yesterday after my errands a car pulled in after me. The woman got out and asked if I was "heather" I said yes. She says here is Keith's alarm clock...then it clicked who it was. It was the lady working with Keith through mass rehab to help with his disability. Then I got Keith and they chatted for a bit and she got to see Avery. They only live across the lake from us.

Let me tell you about this alarm clock...I had actually forgotten that he had gotten it, until she showed up. I am less than thrilled. Most mornings I have to tell him when its going off b/c he can't hear it. Which is fine, but not on days that I don't have to get up early as he tends to hit the snooze button quite often. So by the time he gets up, I'm already awake. This new clock...yeah it VIBRATES!! You simply put a piece of it under your mattress(at the foot of the bed, he once put it under the head of his bed) and it goes off and vibrates the bed instead of a loud annoying noise.

I'm not sure what is worse yet, but the dog does freak out when it goes off and he jumps on the bed. So I have a vibrating bed and a dog on me..great way to wake up in the morning! It wasn't to bad this morning b/c I woke up before it went off so I knew it was coming, we shall see what tomorrow morning brings....

Sunday, May 4, 2008


first off for all 3 of you that read my blog sorry for no blogs for the past few days. I've limited my computer time this weekend due to the fact that I am suffering carpal tunnel symptoms. This is something I haven't had since I was preg with Avery. Hopefully, it goes away but if not I will be seeing my dr.

Anywho...not much happened this weekend. For once we didn't have anything on the agenda. THANK GOODNESS! I am still recovering from last week.

we watched a VERY boring movie last night "Becoming Jane" the Jane Austen movie. The preview looked decide and Keith wanted to watch it...I should have just stuck to Alvin and the chipmunks. Anyway, they used all of the olde english language so you had to figure out what in the world they are talking about and then it moved so very ended at 11. Not a movie I would recomend to people.

I also finished my book and started a new one. If you are looking for some good books to read I highly suggest the author Emily Giffin. She has 3 books out right now; Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Baby Proof. I absolutely LOVE her writing...all the books have twists in them so you are always left on edge. I wasn't able to put any of them down very well and loved picking them up to see what happens next. I was sad when I finished this one, BUT saw that she has a new one coming out this year! YAY!

Today turned out to be a bit busier. We went to breakfast after church with our church friends, then I went to Hadley with my mom and sister to run some errands, and then came home. I of course had a pounding headache and my throat hurts. I have been trying to go to bed for a couple hours now, but needed to put my house back to gether first and pick myself up off the couch to do it.

Exhaustion is slowly creeping over me...ok so its been here for a while. I can now go rest my dreary head on my 300 count sheets and my memory foam topped mattress! I love my bed!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A day in the life of Avery!

Avery has a pretty standard day...he gets up around 7/730, has breakfast, plays with J, we go outside, go for a walk, have lunch, a nap, play some more outside, dinner at 5/530, play with daddy, and then bed time at 7/730. Pretty predictable if you ask me! But I tell you not one day is EVER the same...

He is always doing something pretty funny that just gets me to crack up!
-we have this hallmark display that is a dog, a snowman, and penguin. well when you push it, the penguin shakes, the snowman sings, and the dog bobs his head up and down. Avery loves it despite it being a christmas decoration. Well today he is playing with it and he is bobbing his head up and down with the dog!
-one night at the park he went down the slide all by himself, he got to the bottom, puts his arms in the air and said "whoohay"(ok so that word doesn't look right). Keith and I looked at each other and confirmed he was cheering himself on...
-he is always full of life in the morning when I go to get him...he plays peek a boo in the crib, throws his bink down, and jumps!

There are also days when he can drive you today with the crabbiness(see previous post). The biggest problem is that J steals his bink from his mouth. Normally I let it go, but avery has been screaming bloody murder over it so I return it, move J, and not even 5 seconds later it happens again! I tell Avery to just take it back...Kid needs to learn to stand up for himself but isn't doing a very good job! J has been getting after Avery on alot of things lately...J just turned a year old and Avery is 17 months. I don't want to raise a whiner or someone that can stand up for himself, but how do you portray that to children so young? J thinks is quite funny...I don't think so. Its like he is bullying my son and my son is a crybaby...its hard for a mama to watch!

Overall we have some very good days and I am glad I get to stay home with Avery and see everything he goes through. To watch a child learn, hum songs, and just make you laugh. Most days it is a wonderful job(and yes it is a job to be a stay at home mom), but like all jobs it has its down sides too! I still wouldn't trade it in...wish I could get paid for it, but I get paid in other ways!

I just wanna run away....

today! I have two VERY crabby, cranky boys that have been whining and fighting all day! I'm frustrated and very irritable! Thank God for nap time is all I can say! I hope it lasts for a bit so I can get my heart to stop racing in all my frustration!

I am tired, exhausted and need to sleep! Not sure what my deal is. I thought I was sleeping well...but maybe I'm not. Maybe I need more sleep I don't know! I hope these teething boys break their teeth through soon so this misery will stop for them and ME! YIKES!

I will have a little reprieve when J goes home and Keith gets home at 5. But unfortunately it will be short lived as Keith has to play for church tonight.

On the bright side of things at least it is almost the weekend and we will have a bit of extra cash to pay bills with b/c he is playing more this week!

I also want something really tasty (aka fattening) for lunch and well that isn't going to happen b/c I don't have any of that in my house! This day can be over right NOW and I can watch grey's and go to bed!