Wednesday, July 23, 2008

weekend with the inlaws

I've been coming to blog for a few days now...but it seems I haven't made it here yet!

So we left friday night to go camping with my il's. I was hesitant at first but decided to grin and bear it. We got there around 6, got the tent up, and walked around the campground. Then it started to storm so we sat in the car with the portable dvd player and dora! (man was this a lifesaver!) Finally my il's showed up around 915. It would have been good to be in the trailer during the storm but that's ok. We finally went to bed around 11 I think.

Avery was the only one that slept well the first night . Did you know that is is possible to feel both hot and cold at the same time? it was horrible! I had to pee like 3 times and had to walk in the dark to the potty. Next time I shall use a bush...

The next day we had breakfast with my il's and just hung around. Avery actually took at least a 2 hour nap in his stroller. He was very good all weekend. Surprisingly I got along with my mil. Dh was thrilled and never thought he would see the day that his mom and i would get along and joke like we did. It was actually nice!

It was scary too to see how alike Keith and his dad was. There is a picture I took of them sleeping the EXACT same way. Avery actually let my fil hold him, much to my mil's dismay. At one point avery, grandpa, and daddy were playing copy cat, it was adorable until avery grabbed his crotch...daddy and grandpa stopped there.

Avery did excellent and my il's couldn't believe how good and smart he is. Mil said he would be able to pass the kindergarten eval, except for the speech part.

It was nice to relax and not have to do anything all weekend. I only wish I could do more of it!

Monday, July 14, 2008

one of those days....

Yesterday I wanted to get out of the house so very badly! for you sahm i'm sure you know how it is! Plus we had plans for once to see people and they all got cancelled b/c of hand/foot/mouth. I think this was half my problem. Every time I suggested something to Keith he wasn't exactly thrilled. What I needed was a girls weekend but that wasn't happening. I was so very bored...I had plenty I could have done around the house(clean the office, organize stuff, etc) but I just didn't feel like it or have the motivation. So I sat and complained how bored I was! (real adult like I tell you!) Finally I went to the store to return our movie and decided we were going to the park. I picked up some chicken,went back home, got Keith and Avery, packed the rest of dinner and off we went. It was SOOOO nice to not see the same 4 walls for once. The park was a new park and was very clean, mostly quiet, and had a splash pool(only wish it was open!) I really hate days like that!

I should also add that the dr. never called in my script so I pretty much suffered all weekend. Luckily, it seems to be clearing up(I hope) on its own after a week of hell! I would just really like to know why they didn't call it in and make me look like fool at the pharmacy! ANother male ob/gyn really know what its like to need diflucan???? Apparently not, or I would have HAD that script!

Today I felt like all I did was change poopy, drippy diapers(sorry tmi). Every time I turned around one of them had to be changed. I should have just called their mom's and sent them home. One still wasn't feeling well and he slept for 3 hours, one was just a cranky butt with a capital c, and avery was pretty decent...except for the poop!

Now I am washing the diapers and coming out of the bathroom and my toe get caught in the baby gate....let me just tell you that ceramic tile does NOT feel good on my knees or toes. But my dog sure moved quick!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kinda Bummed..

Our anniversary plans have been canceled for tomorrow evening. We called our babysitter just to let her know about the hand,foot, mouth disease and her mom thanked us for calling, but doesn't want her exposed. Which I can understand completely as a mom, but still a bummer. We will have to reschedule.

No fun for us this weekend...although I don't think I will stay home b/c of it. Just won't expose people if we don't need too. Does that make sense?

Date night: cancelled

The other little boy, Lori, we believe is just teething. He has no spots...yet but his mom is aware. He has just been miserable, I think he is getting his molars and we all know how fun those can be!

July 10...

Today I was going about my normal business of getting ready for 3 boys. Well one boy's mom called and said he wasn't coming b/c he had a fever and just not himself. He's feeling better he might come a bit later, ok that's fine.

The other little boy(L) shows up at 7:30(way better mind you than 11:30 yesterday). So L and avery play and I then take them outside. Normally L is the first one in the pool(kiddie pool) but not today. I noticed he was fussy, but has been for a while now due to 4 teeth coming in. Around 10:30 I decide he just isn't himself so I go in to take his temp. Him mom requests a bum temp...yeah never done that before, but surprisingly it wasn't bad. He has a 103 temp, so I take it again just to be sure(i swear the themometers can be finicky, mine not his) he has his own...102.3. So I call his mom. She asks me 101 questions and finally says I'll call the dr and come and get him(the bottom line really was he needed to be picked up). Meanwhile he had fallen asleep.

She shows at 11, takes him to the dr. and calls me. At first I was thinking she is overreacting by taking him to the dr with a fever b/c it could just be from teeth. well..he has hand, foot, and mouth disease. He won't be back until monday. She says its just mild and just starting. So now i am PRAYING avery doesn't get it. I sprayed all the toys with bleach and luckily most were already clean upstairs so I didn't have to do them all.

The real bummer is that we were supposed to have a playdate with Amy and Gracie this weekend and now we can't. Amy is prego, and shouldn't be exposed and neither should Gracie. There is always something that happens and it just plan sucks!!

On top of it all...I realized today is my dad's bday. I always seem to forget exactly when it is and once I did, I cried. Not on the agenda...this will be his second bday that he isn't with us anymore and it still feels weird especially when I need somthing fixed around the house.

Happy Anniversary to us!

ok I am a day late on this. I had every intention of blogging yesterday but I was busy attempting to plan a girls' only weekend. This is not as easy as it sounds!!

I can't believe that Keith and I have been married for 3 years and together for almost 6. Gosh, where does the time go? It just amazes me and we have done so much over the last 3 years that I'm not sure I could ask for more in life.

Tomorrow night we are going out to celebrate...more to celebrate having a trusting babysitter, afterall we are both greatful for each other. Most days...we are going to Chandler's Restaurant at Yankee Candle. It's the most romantic restaurant in the pioneer valley for the last 7 years so we shall see how it is. I know its going to be expensive, BUT i have a coupon for a free dessert and my bil's gave us a gift certificate there for christmas($40) so that will help to defray the cost.

I should also add this place also has the best kid's menu too! Not sure how those 2 things go together but apparently they do!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Destined for a bad day

I guess in life you can't always have good days!

So last night I had to return books to the library, but I also needed milk both for the boys and us. So I stopped and got milk and eggs. I got home and place one gallon on the hood of the car, so I could lock my door(i was in Keith's car) and next thing I know I hear a thud...I scream, and I'm covered in milk. Great...So i pick it up and run to the door with a bag and 2 gallons of milk(one leaking EVERYWHERE). I finally get the door unlocked and place the leaking milk in the sink. I pull out the other jug from the fridge empty what i could out and dumped the leaking one in. I at least saved most of the milk...I was soaked along with the patio. Who knew whole milk would dry to look like white paint splattered on the ground.

This morning I'm sitting on the couch watching good morning america, J was playing, avery was still sleeping. I was eating cereal and only had the milk left...apparently I was in a daze b/c the next thing I know I'm wearing the milk across my lap. Yeah I spilled it all by myself. It just took a while for me to wake up this morning as the alarm went off at 5:30 and for once I was in a DEAD sleep. I finally perked up after a cup of coffee and 2 boys running around.

Then I was sitting on the floor singing and reading to the boys, avery picked up one of the buckets and cracked my funny bone...yeah it was so NOT funny. Then I went to find a sippy cup and cracked my baby toe(if you've ever seen my baby toe you know its tiny) on a toy. I really had a few choice words but with 3 toddler boys I kept it in.

oh and i should also add that yesterday morning despite the extreme humidity, I thought it would be a brillant plan to take all 3 boys for a walk. I was finally able to pull out the quad stroller i had.(trying to decide if i was keeping it or not). It took a good 10-15 mins to pull it out. IT was wedged in the closet so i had toys and 3 boys to manuever around. I forgot how heavy the thing was...its all steel. Anyway, I was exhausted and had a great workout by the time i got home from pushing 75 lbs up a hill...needless to say i slowed down after that, but the good news was the stroller worked pretty well on our road(despite the pot holes)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

eww...just eww!

on our way to church today avery was making a funny noise and kept "grabbing" himself. He has been doing this a lot when he pees lately so I just figured that's what he did.

Then Keith decides to roll down the window to air the car out, I asked why. He thought someone passed gas. I said Avery probably pooped. I looked back in the seat and I am not kidding you it was EVERYWHERE!! On his carseat, diaper, himself, just everywhere and it was NOT smelling good at all.

we were almost to church and luckily avery and i hang out at one of the choir members house during church(taking a 19 month old to church also is not fun) so i pulled him out of the car and stripped him while keith ran inside for some trash bags. Meanwhile he is naked in the driveway. The choir member told me to take him in the house, but it was just as easy to clean him off out there. Finally he was clean and of course he pooped again not no escapee this time.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Definately, Maybe

I rented this over the past few days. I say days b/c I kept it for 2 days. Let me tell you how much I LOVE the redbox. It's a $1 to rent a movie(new releases). Its a lot cheaper than on demand and netflix. We finally got one in our local grocery store so I indulge in it about once a week or so when I go.

I got it on wednesday but my inlaws stopped in so we never got to watch it. I started to watch it thursday, but of course fell asleep. I had a rough day of picking up 3 22-24 lb boys and my body just wouldn't function much anymore.

So we got up on Friday and we watched the rest. Keith and I both really liked it. It was funny in some parts(esp. the beginning). It was a very nice romantic comedy. My sister said she started to watch it but it was moving to slow...she's just weird! It wasn't your typical movie either, but you could eventually figure out the ending...and of course it ended differently. It even made me cry, it was a touching father/daughter movie. The father tells his daughter the story of how he met her mother. The daughter was hoping to reconnect her parents...but that's all I'm going to say!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm not sure if it is just new england weather or not, but man does it make me mad!!

Here I am trying to save energy and do things better for the environment and of course does the weather cooperate? of course not!! I'm not going COMPLETELY green, but I figure every little bit counts.

So my dear husband FINALLY hung up a clothesline for me to use. I do about two loads a day and hang them out to dry. We seem to have an overabundance of dirty clothes right now so I washed some today, watched the weather, and the weatherman says a 20--30% chance of rain/storms. He then proceeds to say that most people won't even see them. It was beautiful out this morning so I hand them out around lunch time after all 3 boys are asleep.

Btw, have I mentioned that I LOVE nap time!! its the one time in the day where it is sooo very quiet!

Anyway, not even 2 hours later I hear thunder. I look out and its raining...GREAT! So I run upstairs pull all the clothes in(partially dry). I proceed downstairs, fold what is try and toss the rest into the dryer. And don't you know by this time it has STOPPED raining!! But you know if I had left them out it would have down poured!

I should have been a weather girl so I could be wrong about my job and still get paid! UGH....