Wednesday, July 23, 2008

weekend with the inlaws

I've been coming to blog for a few days now...but it seems I haven't made it here yet!

So we left friday night to go camping with my il's. I was hesitant at first but decided to grin and bear it. We got there around 6, got the tent up, and walked around the campground. Then it started to storm so we sat in the car with the portable dvd player and dora! (man was this a lifesaver!) Finally my il's showed up around 915. It would have been good to be in the trailer during the storm but that's ok. We finally went to bed around 11 I think.

Avery was the only one that slept well the first night . Did you know that is is possible to feel both hot and cold at the same time? it was horrible! I had to pee like 3 times and had to walk in the dark to the potty. Next time I shall use a bush...

The next day we had breakfast with my il's and just hung around. Avery actually took at least a 2 hour nap in his stroller. He was very good all weekend. Surprisingly I got along with my mil. Dh was thrilled and never thought he would see the day that his mom and i would get along and joke like we did. It was actually nice!

It was scary too to see how alike Keith and his dad was. There is a picture I took of them sleeping the EXACT same way. Avery actually let my fil hold him, much to my mil's dismay. At one point avery, grandpa, and daddy were playing copy cat, it was adorable until avery grabbed his crotch...daddy and grandpa stopped there.

Avery did excellent and my il's couldn't believe how good and smart he is. Mil said he would be able to pass the kindergarten eval, except for the speech part.

It was nice to relax and not have to do anything all weekend. I only wish I could do more of it!


Missi said...

I'm so happy it was fun! LOL at the copy cat game! And- you didn't pee in the woods?? That's not real camping! (JK!) Good to see that you and MIL got along! There's no way I would ever go camping with my MIL!

Lori said...

glad things went well. I wouldn't go camping with my in-laws so you are better than me (o: