Sunday, February 24, 2008

The List...!

Thanks Lori for the idea! It makes you really think about things if you stop and think about the little things in life! So here is my list...just the things of today, this weekend, week, month, or even year! haha

1. I love that little boy sleeping peacefully in his crib.

2.he is a BIG flirt with his loong eye lashes and multicolored eyes. he tapped a guy on the elbow tonight at dinner and he turned around and started talking to him. well i tried to distract avery from doing it, but the guy was playing along, and all of a sudden, we get the grin, dimples, and giggle! he thought it was a riot!

3.I love my friends! It was so nice sitting in Amy's new house and just doing nothing, but watch our kids play and avery flirt once again!

4.I miss my girls a whole lot! we need to buy a neighborhood and move in together...maybe i wouldn't be so lonely and we could all be better motivated to loose weight!

5. my husband for throwing me in the snow even though that's what I was trying to do to him! i wasn't happy when he did it either...but you can tell we are still kids at heart!

6. i love having new sheets and new comforters on my bed!(can you tell what we bought?)

7. weekends are NEVER long enough

8. chocolate its sinful but tastes oh so good!

9. apparently its 10 as my husband tells me its time for bed!

night all!


Lori said...

Random thoughts are fun! Sounds like things are going well, but I hear you on wishing there were more mommies around to hang out with. But then, there are a lot of days I just love the fact that I can do what I want, when I want and Blake doesn't care what I look like (o:

Amy said...

You've been tagged! Read my blog at for the rules!