Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday(posted on wed)

A friend of mine shared with me this blog called, Her Cup Overfloweth. On this blog they had this MARVELOUS idea for Muffin Tin Monday.(if you click the link above it will tell you how to do it). I found the idea intriguing so I decided to do it and see if that would help avery eat a little better! This will also help to get my creative brain moving again..even if it is for my kids!

So I stopped by Michaels to get some silicone muffin cups...I don't know about you, but washing reg. muffins tins bugs me. So after I paid a small fortune for them I got a I will be going to buy more next week. In the meantime, I just used some little cups I had at the house. This week there was no theme and we actually had Muffin Tin Tuesday as we were away on monday.

For lunch I went with a shape theme: goldfish(fish shape), bananas for circles, and star shaped cheese. He ate almost all of it except for 2 pieces of cheese and a couple bananas.
For dinner, I just basically gave him what we were eating, just in the cups. there is rice, beans/corn, cheese, dried fruit, goldfish, and what we were having mixed together. I figured he should get used to eating with all the flavors mixed too. Again he did very well!(lunch pic is on the bottom and dinner is on top) I can't figure out how to switch them!

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