Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preschool at home...

So I've decided that this winter or fall Avery will be attending preschool at least 2 days a week. I used to work at a wonderful program and really want him to get into it. It is more for the socialization and being away from me than the educational aspect, although that will help him too!

Recently, I've been participating in Muffin Tin Monday. So I decided to start doing theme weeks with Avery at home based on her themes. This week is the letter "a" as the monday theme is apples. Well I was supposed to get apples with my groceries this week, but they never came so after Quinn's dr's appt this week we will go get some!

After digging through the ENTIRE box of cookie cutters I finally found the letter "a" and could finally do a craft with Avery. He picked out some paint (yellow and blue) and he used the cookie cutter to make a prints. I also had a cutter for an apple and acorns so he used those too. he discovered that when you mix yellow and blue together you get green. then he grabbed the paint brush and mixed all his beautiful stencil work into nothing...so you can't tell we actually used the cutters.

we then talked about things that start with the letter "a" i was having a hard time coming up with more words, and avery yells out "ANTS" and also his name!

its fun to spend time with just my oldest while the babies nap. I hope to be able to do it 2-3 times a week, more if my creative brain allows and I have the time!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I bet he will have a great time having some mommy time and learning new things