Thursday, March 27, 2008

you know when you need a life when...

the highlight of your day is NOT going to the dr and getting meds to feel better, BUT getting gas for $3.01/gallon. This is a bargain around here...where most of it is 3.07-3.15/gallon. Nothing like getting a great deal on something that I consider most days a necessity. Had lunch with Keith and I was all proud about getting it for that price...ah the life I lead!

on another good note...went to the dr and got 2 meds now to get rid of the nasties "down there". Avery was a peach of course the whole time we were there 1+hours. Everyone kept saying how cute and well behaved he was! Thank God he was having a good day despite this nasty cold he caught! hopefully cold season is almost over!


Lori said...

I always find it sad when I get excited about the price of gas, but sadly it is exciting when you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it!

hope the meds help!!!!

Jess614 said...

Thanks for the not needed info about the "nasties"... just kidding! :)

Amy said...

Good luck with the meds my love!