Friday, February 27, 2009

Weekly Wrap-up

I can't decide on what to eat next week for meals yet so I'll post the weekly menu tomorrow!

As for this did seem to go by fast! But that tends to happen when you have a couple "shorter" days w/extra kids!

On Tuesday, keith managed to hurt his back at doesn't require heavy lifting so we still don't know HOW he did it! I had to take him to the dr on Wed. He was having back spasms and I really tried to NOT laugh at him as I could tell they were hurting as he was practically kneeling on the floor. He got some good meds and has been so so for now. At least he is able to dress himself and get out of bed by himself now...not much sympathy from the 9 month pregnant wife who he LAUGHS at when she can't get her socks on and then says...oh did you want some help? I love him I really do...but I sure am glad MEN CAN'T GET PREGNANT! I finally told him that yesterday after all his complaining...meanwhile there isn't much in my body right now that isn't complaining!

Avery's been sick with a cold all week...poor guy! I can tell he doesn't feel good as he gets this glazed over look and has been super crabby, not his fortay at all! Of course there isn't much I can give him to help relieve his discomfort, but I hope its on its way out!

I too have managed to get another cold...this is my second one in 3 weeks. The first one lasted for 2 weeks. I am just miserable and don't have much for relief either being pregnant.I hope I get rid of it before I have the baby as I'm not sure how to cope with labor and not being able to breath!

Sleep? I think I have forgotten what that is, but I did managed to get a couple nights rest...well better! I pulled the snoogle back on the bed and I love it!(its a really long body pillow for preg. woman)

We had our 36 week dr appt yesterday. Along with another ultrasound(u/s). Everything looked great, I liked this tech A TON better than the other one. At least she told me what she was doing and was friendly and not cranky towards avery. Baby is measuring around 6 lb 14 oz(give or take 1 lb), it was practicing breathing and I saw it open its mouth...Keith wasn't paying attention. We still don't know what we are having and we are good with that! We do have another u/s at next week's appt to check my fluid levels. They think they are high, not exactly sure what it might mean for my vbac so we will see what the dr says next week. The baby is head down, but very high up, hence why it feels like it crawls into my ribs/stomach. Hopefully it will decide to drop down soon and COME ON OUT! I'm done I really am!!

I think that's about it for the week...

1 comment:

Lori said...

glad to hear your u/s went well. hope that baby drops soon to give you some relief (yes I know that causes a whole host of new issues, but still).

hope your hubby and Avery both feel much better soon