Monday, March 23, 2009

One Week...

one week ago today, my sweet baby boy was born. I have to admit its been a bit surreal! But we are slowly getting back into things and a routine...maybe.

we went to the dr today for his one week check and he is doing great! he is up to 6 lb 14 oz, he left the hospital at 6.8 lbs. Apparently, mama's milk is doing him good! Keith met the pedi for the first time and really liked him.

I feel like he is so much older b/c he has been nursing so well. I can only hope it continues to go this week as it has great benefits to Quinn and our wallets! Now if I could just get him to not fall asleep after 5 mins of nursing, I wouldn't feel like I spent all my time doing it! He is pretty good at night, but it takes 30 mins to an hour sometimes for him to nurse. But I'm hanging in there and know it will get better!

The dr said everything else looked great and we go back in 2 weeks just to check to make sure his belly button and circ. is healing well. ALthough Im sure they will weigh his as well.
Avery is doing well...a few outbursts/throwing toys but nothing to bad so far. Tomorrow will be my first day home alone with them, and hopefully all goes well! we then took avery to get his iron checked again. We waited longer than it took to get the blood taken. He was a brave boy and didn't flinch or anything again this time! He is being a great big brother, but I do miss snuggling with him and being able to pick him up.


Unknown said...

A trick I learned for keeping babies nursing, even when they fall asleep... right at the base of their neck, top of their shoulder ...

OK - lay your left hand on your right shoulder so your thumb is right above your collar bone and your pointer and middler finger is touching muscle on your back - like you're pinching your shoulder....

Do that to baby (like massage, don't pinch, lol) and that triggers a suck reflex :)

I'm so glad to hear all is going well! :)

Lori said...

glad to hear things are going well. hope it continues on that path!