Friday, March 27, 2009


sure has been slow this time around! They say your second c/s is easier...well I can honestly say its NOT! I was starting to feel back to normal monday which was one week postpartum, but after that it all went downhill!

Monday we had to take Quinn to the dr and Avery to get blood work. I took it slow walking and of course I wasn't driving. Keith decided to stay home monday and just enjoy the 4 of us. He had to work part of the week I was at the hospital and I feel bad he didn't get all the bonding time with Quinn like he did with Avery. But in this economy we can't afford a whole week without pay..

Tuesday was my first day home alone with both. I was nervous about it, but knew I could handle it. Afterall, I had 3 toddlers everyday for the last 9 months! It wasn't bad at all, Avery listened for the most part and we just hung around and watched movies. I will admit I've let him watch more movies/tv this week, but recovery hasn't been so hot so I haven't been able to do much else with him. I feel bad, but I'm very limited.

Tuesday night I started to feel sore again...I just figured I over did it and needed to rest. Even though my house was a COMPLETE diaster when Keith got home. I really didn't do much other than fold laundry, but I find if I sit to long then i get stiff and feel worse. So I try to move a bit in between feedings.

It was worse wed, to the point I was in tears. I couldn't get out of bed and Keith had to help me. I thought it was issues with my "digestive system" so I took gas meds and more "softener"(tmi sorry). I was having a sharp pain going from one side of my abdomine to the other. Then it was all crampy. I just layed low. It really didn't get much better and then my back started to hurt.

Thursday morning rolled around and Keith made me call the dr to see about going in. He was thinking the worse. Well after talking to the midwife we concluded that I pulled a muscle near my hip and the cramping could be gas, unterine contractions from nursing, and that I just needed to take it even more easy. So that's what we are doing this weekend...

My mom came down to help with Avery and to entertain him and to allow me to sleep in a little. I feed Quinn and then send him downstairs. Last night actually went better than it has since we've been home. Hopefully this sleepin while nursing will end soon and he will continue to sleep in longer increments. I got about 8 hrs last night...not in a row of course. But I felt better. Still not as sore while sleeping, but very stiff in the morning and takes me a bit to move around. Keith tries not to laugh at me, but he still does!

Quinn is still nursing great! Its so nice in this economy not to have to buy formula! I said to keith it was nice not having to pack up bottles, water, and formula in the diaper bag on monday. Nursing is tiresome believe me, but I know in the end its well worth it. They say the first 6 weeks are the I only have 4 more to go! So far so good! I think my mom still thinks I'm nuts for doing it, but she doesn't say much now. I haven't had to nurse in public yet so that might be interesting...

Now I just need to get Quinn to sleep in his own bed! He likes to be held or sleeping with us. Not the ideal situation, but right now Keith and I both need our sleep and we are trying to work on getting him on his own!


Lori said...

Blake watched a lot of tv the first few weeks...ok months of Colby's life. And the house was a semi-disaster, but you have to take care of your boys and yourself 1st and foremost!

Amy said...

I hope you are feeling better today, I can agree...the house will be a mess for a while (four months later mine still is), but you need to rest and let yourself recover before you worry too much about that stuff! Just enjoy your boys :)