Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quinn's name

Keith and I struggled this ENTIRE pregnancy coming up with names. After all it is a very important decision you face as a parent. Then when we didn't find out what we were having it made it even harder. We threw names around all 9 months...and towards the end we had a definate boy name...Everett Martin. The middle name was always going to be Martin after my dad. When we started to tell people the name, my family wasn't a fan, but it didn't really sway our decision. It was the one name we could agree on so we stopped talking about a boy name.

For a girl, we didn't have a name picked out. Well Keith did, Isabell/Isabella. the middle name was set at Elizabeth as it is his grandmother's middle name. I wasn't sold on it AT ALL! So if we had a girl I was going to pick another name on his list. After all I had picked Avery's name and I'm still in love with Avery on my sweet boy.

Well...when Quinn was born they showed me him and out popped the name Quinn. Keith looked at me funny and said, "where did that come from?" It was a name we threw around a couple times after seeing it on a stroller when we went to the big E. I said he doesn't look like an Everett to me at all! After being in the OR for an hour he still didn't look like an Everett and kept saying Quinn in my groggy, drugged state of mind. Keith looked at me and said you can name him whatever you want after going through what you just went through. So Quinn it became!

After recovering for a bit, he called out families and friends. We still weren't quite sure on the name so he told them that. When he called my friend Amy, she asked the name, and Keith said "i don't know..." Amy was puzzled and said "you don't know?" he said well we THINK its going to be Quinn. Which I'm sure she was surprised at. My mom was glad it wasn't Everett as she didn't like the name at all and kept trying to get used to it! We heard this from a few people and I was still happy with my decision. I still am happy with the decision and was glad we picked it! It just fits him so well! Its just funny how quickly things can change!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'm glad you found a name that you feel fits your little one best. My grandfather is Everett so I had a hard time picturing it on an itty bitty... but I do like the name Quinn. It was on one of our shorter lists for Colby