Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I had to go to the dentist today just for a cleaning...I was kinda dreading it but at least I knew there would be no drilling involved. We also have no dental insurance so I knew the bill might be brutal. Now for a little background...I have had 2 root canals, 2 post and core, 2 crowns, and numerous(i can't even count) cavities all filled within the last 6 months. So I was hoping I wouldn't need anything today.

well i almost got my wish....i have 1 maybe 2 cavities. The 2nd was borderline so the dentist will have to look at it. Another one i have to get "touched up" b/c some of the filling didn't adhere, but they will fix that for free and I won't need novacaine for that. But the other one I will need filled...blah! But at least its only 1 and not a 2 hour "drill" job. I also have some cavities in my wisdome teeth, but those are supposed to come out someday....i am REALLY REALLY dreading those. But why get them filled when they need to be pulled anyway?

Then we went out to dinner at Chili's. Happy early mother's day for me...just wish the food was better. THe appetizers were very yummy(southwestern eggrolls, mozz sticks, and shanghai boneless wings), I got the mini burgers with ff and onion rings. THe burgers were good...I only ate 1 out of 4, the rings were BLAND, and the ff tasted funny. So I stopped eating it. I did eat dessert and that was really big so I ate WAY too much food. Avery didn't sit in the highchair, but sat next to me in the booth. He ate very well and there wasn't a huge mess left on the floor when we left(for once!). He did pull out all the sugar packets but those are easy enough to pick up. Of course he did have a stinky diaper(after i just changed him) so I let daddy change it!(haha)

well off to another day tomorrow!


Lori said...

glad the dentist went better than you expected. yay for Avery at sitting at the table... haven't tried that with Blake yet

Amy said...

You are brave... I'm not sure I'm ready for Gracie to be wandering the booth with me just yet. LOL