Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to Keith

Yesterday my husband turned 30. Yeah hes old...ok so he is older than me and he always will be. But he is also the one that gets carded(when I don't) or when we both get carded and they say things like "he doesn't look like he is older than you!" good thing for him...bad for me. Someday it might catch up to him, but he should enjoy his youth while he has it!

We had a party for him over the weekend. Mostly family and church "groupies". A few friends were able to stop by. It wasn't what I wanted, but it worked out.

For his bday all he wanted was the scooba. Its robot mop. We already have the roomba and he is in love with it b/c he doesn't have to vac anymore. Avery is enthralled with it! So we went last night and used his bday money, some giftcards I had, and then paid the rest out of pocket. Mopping is one thing that doesn't get done much around here although it should. I hate it and dh never seems to have time for it. He has 2 things to do in the house, clean the floors and help with laundry. At least the floors get done now on a reg. basis.

So after my giftcard didn't want to work, I had to pay for it. Hopefully I can get the money back on that giftcard as it was brand new and should have worked. Well, we "mopped" the floor down stairs last night and Keith couldn't believe the color of the water...yuck! this is what happens when you mop the floor with a dirty mop and water. now it is running in the hallway and we did avery's room earlier. so far we are very impressed. we have all hard floors in the house so it works out very well. Who knew life could be so easy with a robot doing the work for you...

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