Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Sweetest thing...

Over the weekend we had the pleasure of being with my inlaws...well most of you know how that goes sometimes. Anyway, we had a chance to see Keith's grandmother as well. She has been in a nursing home for rehab for a couple of months now and HATES it there. Unfortunately she has to stay there and move to assisted living for now...she's not happy about this either, but she isn't strong enough to live on her own. After all she is 85 and no spring chicken...she is just stubborn even though everyone else has her best interest at heart.

Well she never thought she would make it to see Great grandchilden and she has. Avery is her one and only blood great grandchild(she has 2 that are from an adopted granddaugther). She has great joy watching and seeing Avery when we get the chance. Sometimes life doesn't allow us to see her as much as we like especially with Avery going to bed at 7:30. but we do what we can.

I could tell on Sunday she was having a tough day. She was complaining about how she didn't want to go back to the nursing home and can't wait to go "home". She loved watching Avery and the way he entertained himself while we socialized(if that's what you want to call it) at the table. He was having a blast pushing his highchair around the living room and opening and shutting the gate. who knew it could be so entertaining...

well we decided to leave at the same time she was heading back. Keith said Goodbye to her as did I. I then here her say something to Keith about me, but only really caught half of it. Apparently he did too as I asked him on our way home..she said that they(meaning his family) were very lucky to have me part of his family and that I was a wonderful person and mother to Avery. I am teaching him well as he is very well behaved!

well thank you very much great grandma! I was flattered and almost cried. Its nice to feel vindicated especially by the older generation. It also makes me feel like I am doing something right!


Lori said...

what a kind and loving comment... and isn't it always nice to hear from people who are family, but especially from the older generations

Jess614 said...

I knew I liked her!