Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a few of my favorite things!

I need a happier post so here it is!!

A few of my favorite things...(in on particular order)
- a little boy named Avery
- cuddling with my husband
-the smell of cut grass
-hearing the birds chirp in the morning
-waking up to the sun shining
-the smell of rain from an overnight shower
-ice cream
-spending time with my girls
-spending time with family
-seeing little babies
-baking anything
-watching Grey's Anatomy
-the FoodNetwork and Rachael Ray
-reading a good book
-cuddling with Avery
-sloppy kisses from Avery
-the smell of Keith's soap, deoderant, or cologne
-Avery's dimples, smile, and laugh
-watching a little boy grow and develop right before my eyes
-Carrabara's Italian Grill(if i can afford it)
-watching a movie and cuddling on the couch
-watching a GOOD movie and cuddling on the couch
-my family(even though they may drive me nuts sometimes)
-feeling/being girly
-buying new clothes that don't have boogers on them
-coffee with white choc. macadamia nut creamer
-trying new foods/recipes
-nap time

i think that's all i have for now! of course I'm sure there are PLENTY more of my favorites...but this is off the top of my head!