Saturday, April 12, 2008

as a mom...

you are always learning things!

so amy decided that she needed to go buy some clothes. so i said, well you can come down here and go to the mall.(for those that don't know she lives 45 mins in the opposite direction, but this mall is one of the few malls around.)

so we pack both kids into the van, side by side. they had their little conversations while amy and i of course had ours. we met keith at work and then all of us went to dinner. the kids were great side by side eating dinner. so we thought we would be good.

Now my husband doesn't usually like the mall, but apparently last night he decides he wants to walk the mall with us. ok fine...3 adults, 2 kids. we can handle this..ok not so much!

amy wanted to look at clothes, so we tried to put both kids in the double stroller. Avery was ok in this for a while, but Gracie wanted out! so we put the "leash" on her and Keith walked in circles around sears while amy and i picked out clothes for her. That kept them entertained for a bit. Then avery wanted we had 2 toddlers running the store and of course we are out of milk for gracie.

so amy quickly tries the clothes on, leave the store and head for target. Meanwhile the shoes i bought fell out of the stroller so i stopped to pick them up. put them back in and i almost ran over this older man(i was going to say gentleman, but he was very gentleman like). i apologized and he gave me a dirty nasty look...he afterall walked into the double stroller.

Got gracie her milk and went into another store. Keith took avery into the book store. All the while we were in there amy tried on quite a few clothes and made her purchase. Gracie was sooo tired, but would NOT fall asleep. So she ran through the store. It wasn't very big, no one was in it, and I followed her everywhere. Then she decides to rearrange the granola bars. hey whatever makes one happy right! Finally we decide to leave! i didn't feel guilty about those french fries I ate for dinner anymore as I think I burned off all the calories from chasing her!

So the moral of this story...DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT take 2 16/19 month olds to a mall on a friday night. Especially past bedtime. I should add Avery decided to skip his nap too!

well now we know and I can gurantee amy and i have learned from out little shopping adventures, just like we always do!

1 comment:

Lori said...

sounds like an adventure! (one I wouldn't want to take on any time soon... lol)

glad you had a good shopping trip