Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mothers Day Ideas

so im trying to come up with a project for Avery and the little boy I watch to make for mother's day. I'm having a hard time deciding...Avery will be 17 months and the other little boy is 12 months.

Last year we made tshirts for each grandmother with avery's pic on it and photo frames w/ his footprints and name on it for great grandmas. You can only get a picture frame so many times...ill try to at least get them pictures of the cute little guy!

But I also want him to have a hand in it this year. I'm thinking of getting some finger paint and having them paint something...either an apron, but i know my mom probably wont' use it. maybe a cloth bag...or pot holders. there was also the idea of stepping stones but i also don't want them to EAT the pieces.

anyone else have an at a stand still!

1 comment:

Lori said...

When I taught K I had the kids cut and decorate tea cup cards (you could cut them out and have the kids color them) then inside I posted a poem (which I can go find it you are interested) and a tea bag. Simple and easy!

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