Thursday, April 24, 2008

the fine art of muli-tasking!

so as a mom you learn VERY quickly how to mulitask! I'm pretty good at it as most moms can be..husband's probably not so much, well at least mine isn't very good!

We are leaving tomorrow to head out towards Boston for a friend's wedding. This will be the first time I leave Avery overnight...I am a bit nervous about doing it as I have never left him more than a few hours, but I know he will be with my mom and sister, so I really have nothing to worry about.

Well I have to pack for dh and I, plus get together Avery's clothes so its an easy no brainer for my mom. I bought them a pizza, cereal, and my sister requested the chicken cesar lasagna, much to my dismay.(just required going back to the store for the ingredients)

Also the little boy I watch is celebrating his first birthday next week. ok so why didn't I just wait and do this next week is beyond me..but anyway. After taking them for a walk and letting them play outside we come in for lunch. while I feed them(thank god they can both feed themselves) I decide to make choc. cupcakes for his bday, lunch for myself, boil the noodles for the lasagna. Finally, lunch is over, but I'm still not ready for them to be over. So I clean them up, allow them to play, while I pop the cupcakes in the oven. Then I change both boys, make a bottle of formula for J, and put them to bed. I have also washed some dishes and loaded the dishwasher. I also managed to eat some lunch in the process. How in God's name am I able to do this...all while having

A HEADACHE the size of Tucson(why Tuscon I don't know) all i know is it better go away b/c I still have things to do tonight so I can leave for 2 days. UGH...

at least I have chocolate cake to eat!(not good for a diet, but who is counting this weekend anyway?)


Jess614 said...

Hope your headache goes away soon!

Aaron said to me the other day that us bringing Butterball to my parents' house feels like we have to bring a kid; we had to buy him more food, more kitty litter, we have to pack his toys, bring his litter box, his dishes... I give you so much credit for getting a kid all ready to go somewhere.

Lori said...

hope your headache goes away soon... And I hope the overnight goes well... I've left Blake, but he's always been here at our house, not someone else's house yet.

Glad you were productive

Amy said...

I'm feeling the same way...overwhelmed with things to do before tomorrow. Eeeeeeeek!

p.s. I have nothing to wear

Amy said...

you mean you *had* chocolate cake until your husband sat on it...