Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 day weekend...

Things we learned this weekend:

-goodwill does NOT accept toys anymore due to all the recalls. They have since found a new home through Freecycle.

-my husband and I are HUGE procrastinators...baby is due in 9 weeks and we are NOW getting to the room being finished! It is currently cleaned out with just a desk in it(also finding a new home soon) and has been primed. The painting will be finished by sat before Avery's new furniture arrives. Then we will just need to transition Avery into the room, see how many times he falls off the bed b/c he WILL jump on it, and get the chair rails up.

-the elliptical will also be finding a new home...I just don't want to take 1/2 price, but on one hand we NEED to get rid of it! We just don't have the room for it!

-Avery has NO problem with his hearing!! We clearly know daddy does, but mommy's is also perfect! It didn't phase avery at all to be there, I found it quite interesting. We are now discussing speech therapy and getting an eval, but I want to wait a couple months first.

-I have now started to look into a doula...they are VERY expensive and hope that one will volunteer or give me a discount. I REALLY REALLY want one so I can be the most successful in achieving a vbac..but so far no takers. Does anyone have $500-850 extra lying around? lol

-I never knew a 2 year old boy would be so content in a craft store! He loved being there...ok so maybe it was more that he was OUT of the house and it was just him and mommy! I did FINALLY find some fabric for Amy to make me a sling and a nursing cover. Now I just need to get the rings and mail it to her! Yes I have to mail stuff to her 45 mins away...as it will probably get there faster than if "we" try to make plans!

I was glad to have the extra day off...but by the afternoon I was tired and had a headache. I had to bring Keith to work and pick him up so I could have the car. I didn't want to be stuck at home all day...Amy and the kids were going to visit, but she was unable to make it this time!


Lori said...

glad to hear that Avery's hearing test went well... we are having Blake evaluated for speech soon too.

Amy said...

It totally sucks that I wasn't able to come out ~ damn people who drive down one-way streets in the wrong direction and cause accidents! My neck is STILL hurting today.