Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random Snowy weekend...

Amy technically "tagged" me on facebook for 16 random thoughts...but I decided to blog them instead. Let's see if I can get 16, lol!

1. watching my son with his dad on a sat morning is THE BEST!(esp when he has been nothing but a mama's boy lately!)

2. I actually made a meal plan this week...let's see if I can keep it!

3. Cloth diapering is VERY addicting!

4. Coffee is my saving grace!

5. we were only able to clean/organize our bathroom & bedroom.

6. the baby will have a place to sleep before it's born!

7. we still have no girl names...

8. we are getting more snow...gotta love new england!

9. my son played for 2 hrs before falling asleep at 3:30 for a nap...

10. why does my laundry seem to mulitply?

11. I'm hungry and dinner won't be ready for at least 2 hrs...m&m's didn't help.

12. my dog's new licenese is making too much noise and is annoying me!

13. we still don't know what's wrong with Keith's car.

14. I spent WAY to much money on groceries this week...and there isn't much to show for it!

15. I'm making deli style chicken, mashed potatoes, and roasted carrots for dinner...followed by chicken stock over night! love my crock pot!

16. I will be a mom of 2 in 7-12 weeks...Keith says that is one big EYE opener when I say it like that!

yay! i made it to 16!

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