Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My love of cloth...!

diapers that is! who knew it could be so addicting or joyful to use! lol

I started cloth diapering(cd) avery when he was 18 months old. It was more for financial reasons, but the green factor does weigh in as well! Well we have been doing it for 6 months and love it!! I also plan on starting cding the new baby once he/she is born. It won't probably be until they are 2 weeks old or so...once the icky poo is out and if its a boy his little peepee has healed.

Avery is in cloth all day except nap and bed time. I have hard water and through trial and error of cleaning them I just can't get rid of the ammonia! so if he wears them at night or for longer than 2 hrs he gets ammonia burn. So I still use disposable for those times. It still saves us in the long run as i only go through 1 pkg a month vs. 1 pkg a week. Now if I could just STOP buying the cd I would be golden.

I did realize today that Avery has plenty. he has at least 20-25 diapers. I also just ordered avery 3 new diapers...so that is a good number! That gets us through 2-3 days. The new baby has a small stash right now as well that we are letting Carter borrow. I hear he is breaking in the trucks one quite well!

you ask if its hard or that I'm crazy? what's crazy? doing 2-3 loads of extra laundry a week? that's not difficult. My water bill is slightly higher, but I would pay more for disposables than I do for the water. It doesn't take special soap, I found a good one online that is cheaper than the stuff you buy in the store so I use it for all my clothes. meanwhile I'm saving money and doing something good for the environment. someday I will convert someone...just not sure who. Amy does it, but I didn't convert her. we just ended up doing it at the same time!

seriously, they are NOT that much different than a disposable diaper. you use, wash, re-use. you can even get back a portion of what you put into it buy reselling them. so see now you are recycling! Keith doesn't mind them either...especially since i do MOST of the changing, all the washing, and we have a sprayer on the toilet.

They are so cute, how can you not like them? They aren't what they used to be and most are incredibly soft! I get jealous...

So that's my little green tip of the day! go cloth!

1 comment:

Amy said...

He does like the trucks one but it barely fits anymore! We'll be sending it home to you soon!