Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daycare blues...

Its always a challenge to take care of someone else's child...especially when they are TEETHING! ugh...Avery was a very good teether you never knew he was! A rare couple of times he gave us issues, but after a little motrin, orajel, or some rubbing of his gums he was fine. I think he is WORSE now with the 2 yr molars. Lucky for us, I think he only has 1 left to come in!

But the little boy I have during the day...he is 10 months today has been miserable!! SCREAMING at the top of his lungs for 3 hrs yesterday. I'm not sure how I managed through that one. His parents are hesitant about just giving him tylenol/motrin, but after I saw him yesterday if it have been my son he would have gotten it! He slept for 45 mins in the morning and 45 mins in the afternoon...not his typical nap at all. he barely ate and was fussy no matter what I did. I should have called mom to come and get him, but once the boys got up he was fine. Same thing happened today, but mom came to see if she could try to calm him down. he also doesn't like the new sleeping arrangements of the pack n play. He was sleeping in the swing, but he is getting to big for it. After a half hour mom got him to sleep...all 3 kids were asleep before 12.

Avery was fussy today too and he had a time out for pushing J. He just liked to push my buttons. He did pee a tiny bit on the potty...but as soon as i put the diaper on he peed there. This was after we sat for a good 5 mins. Oh well...I'm not pushing it. Just letting him try if his diaper is dry after a few hours. He woke up dry this morning after sleeping for 12 idea how that happened. he then peed right then and there, but the diaper was still on. he thought it was hilarious!

Keith's car is back...its nice having "my" car back. Not that I go anywhere..but i still felt house bound! $700 later the car is fixed and hopefully won't give us anymore trouble. The mechanic seemed to think that there might be a recall on the part b/c it was let's hope that happens so we can get some of our money back!

on the plus side, our elliptical found a new home last night. Avery's new room is half(or maybe 1/4) painted. It needs another blue coat and then white on the bottom. We are getting his new furniture sat so hopefully by next weekend he will be in his new room. It all depends on when we can get the molding and get that up. He should be in it well before the baby comes...we have gotten rid of a TON of stuff. I didn't think we even had that much!


Lori said...

that has to be hard knowing you can't provide the child the comfort that a bit of motrin would provide.

glad you got your car back!

Amy said...

I so need to clean out some of our stuff...

and yeah, my kid would have been getting motrin.

Amy said...

Forgot, here are your interview questions:

1. If you could only visit 5 websites for the rest of eternity, which ones would you pick, and why?

2. What was your favorite movie as a child?

3. List ten things that you absolutely could not live without (just things, not people).

4. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?

5. If you could go back in the past and change one thing, what would it be?