Tuesday, January 27, 2009

32 weeks and counting...

Avery and I ventured out to Noho this morning for my 32 week check up. It was pretty cold out and of course the dog didn't want to come in, so he stayed out.

I met one of the other drs...I think there is 5 or 6. I hadn't met him before, but had questions about the impending birth/vbac. He answered them all with answers that I liked. I was pretty convinced of going the vbac route seen as everything sounded so positive.

And then he measured me...crap. I'm measuring ahead/big. So if I am still measuring big at my next appt. they will probably do another u/s...maybe we will see what we are having, although at this point I'm ok with NOT knowing until I give birth. If the baby is big, it looks like I might be having a c/s. Of course all of this is after I have contacted a doula about helping with a vbac. Just not sure that I want to chance having a big baby esp. if I am overdue. Although, Avery was only 7.7 and he was almost 2 weeks late.

oh what to do...

My blood pressure was a little higher than normal. It was actually the same as it was last time I was there. The nurse commented and said that never happens! Dr. asked if I was having headaches or blurry vision...which I wasn't. Hopefully its not a sign of pre-e...we've had enough of that around here.

I am now up to a total of 4 lbs this whole pregnancy. So I really don't know how the baby could be measuring big.

I also had to go for more bloodwork b/c apparently my counts were low last time. I thought they were checking my iron, but this was a whole blood draw. Avery got to watch as they couldn't find a vein at first.

I'm also getting a cold and my severely sore throat kept me up last night. So now I'm draggin and won't have any hopes to really lie down and rest as I have a little one still awake. Hopefully when Keith gets home I can.

On a semi-plus note we are expecting more snow tomorrow. why is it on the plus side? keith doesn't think he will be making it to work. The road is already icy and add snow on top of it and well...he won't be getting out of the driveway nevermind the road. One can hope to have a snowday with my husband. Maybe it will just be Avery too...and I can rest tomorrow.

so we shall see what the next appt. shall bring!


Lori said...

hope things go smoothly for you with the rest of your pregnancy. and it sounds like you could really use a snow day for all of you

Jess614 said...

how do they measure you? do they measure your stomach or something? You can tell I'm not a mom :) Hope you're feeling better! Hoping for a snow day for Keith tomorrow... wish we could get one, but of course we won't, our company rarely closes

Amy said...

(((hugs))) and here's to hoping the BP is just a fluke thing. If you want to keep track of it you can borrow my bp monitor. :)

Sarah said...

Avery was only 7.7 and two weeks late? He has always been a little thing. I hope you don't get pre-e--I know how yucky it is to deal with. Hopefully the next few months go quickly. I hope you feel better soon!