Thursday, January 8, 2009

where does the time go?

As I was reading a fellow blogger's blog today, it dawned on me that Avery is over 2 now and I have another baby on the way!! Can anybody tell me where the last 2.9 months have gone? ok it might be a little more than this if you count the entire pregnancy, nevermind that he was 10 days LATE!

I've learned in the past 2 years that he does things on his own time. He is a smart cookie none the less. Just like he was born 10 days late he is also taking his SWEET time "talking". So today I scheduled a hearing test for him. Neither Keith or I think that is the problem, but its better to rule it out than to go on wondering.(for those who don't know Keith is deaf and so is one of his brother's). They think its a totally fluke thing, but time will tell. So on Jan. 19th he will be going in. At least it doesn't cause pain and I may even get keith to meet me there. Afterall, he can TOTALLY understand all their terms.

He has started saying more and more now that we took the binky away during the day...ok I took the binky away. It was surprisingly easy, but most things with him are! just like taking the bottle away or sleeping in a big boy bed. Now if I could just get him to gain some weight and his iron level gets up to normal we would be golden.

He has always been a very easy going greatly behaved kid. Sure he does the typical 2 yr old stuff like hitting and spitting, but he behaves very well even out in public. When Keith injured his eye there were numerous dr's appts that week that avery and i attended with him and you never would have known he was there.

Now, I am absolutely preparing myself for the WORSE with this new baby. maybe ill get lucky and have 2 great sleeping kids and this one will be just as easy going. But the way the pregnancy has been going he/she might be the complete opposite. I'm hoping I get just 3 short months we will find out.

I love the way avery acts like such a little boy...he isn't my itty bitty baby no more! I look at him and im amazed at the things he can do and understand. he still has those BIG eyes he has always had and the LONGEST eye lashes any girl would be jealous of. And when he bats them at you, watch out...b/c your heart will melt!

He has been a bit of a mama's boy lately which can be tiring. He also wants to be picked up quite a bit...last night I realized that I think he knows his life is going to change a bit with the baby. That is why he is looking for the extra attention. I had to put him to bed last night and lay with him...which isn't easy laying on a mattress on the floor being 7 months pregnant. But I can't help not wanting this time with him, even though there are days i want to run away! Especially when he does sweet things like, cuddle, rub my arm, or he sings to me. Im surprised I havent fallen asleep with him. good thing its a twin size i ALMOST fit.

I could go on for days about him...but I won't bore everyone with it now!


Lori said...

you will be surprised to see how old Avery will seem when the new baby is here. I hope all goes well with the audiologist, but at least you are getting answers

Amy said...

I hope that the hearing test goes well.

You'll be amazed at how fast things change in your house once the baby is there. All the things that seemed so easy before are now 200 times harder. 99% of the time the older one won't "need" something until you sit down to nurse/feed the baby or the baby starts crying. After 8 weeks, Gracie is finally starting to settle in and understand that we love her and her brother the same and that we're there for both of them no matter what.

Now if we could just get this whole potty training thing under control...

Sarah said...

I didn't realize that Keith was deaf. I hope that the hearing appointment goes well. I read once, a long time ago, that calm, easy going children develop more slowly than those that are constantly on the go. One of my daughters is this way and she did everything on her own time. She is also the one that we had screened for a speech delay but she passed. Now, you can't get her to stop talking.

Jess614 said...

If it makes you feel any better, for a while, my parents didn't think I would talk.... now look at me! LOL Good luck!